Week 5 - Audit TimeI have just been so encouraged and blessed by the last 4 weeks, sharing this journey with you girls has just been such a delight! Some of the words spoken and seeing God working in your lives has been a HUGE encouragement and blessing. God is just so good.
I know a lot of us have commented on either wanting to be cleaner, have life more simplified, our home more welcoming etc. I think to achieve those things we need to take a step and "Audit" our home. I saw this idea on the "Down to Earth" blog a while back and thought "I really must do that one day". So how does this fit in with our Christian Walk. God called us to be stewards of all he has placed us charge over. That's both physical and spiritual. And through doing the Audit you may recognise things that are cluttering your life, find ways you could do something better, or realise that your pantry has a lot more in it than you thought But the more we take stock of the physical, hopefully that will free up more for the spiritual.
There will be two audits going on this week, a Spiritual and a Physical.
Verse - Ephesians 4:22-24 You were taught, with regard to your former way of life, to put off your old self, which is being corrupted by its deceitful desires; to be made new in the attitude of your minds; and to put on the new self, created to be like God in true righteousness and holiness.
Prayer - Ask God to show you what to keep and what to let go, both in the physical and the spiritual.
Also this prayer from Stormie Omartian - The Power of a Praying Woman, Harvest House Publishers
Lord, help me to never exchange Your truth for a lie. Where I have accepted a lie as truth, reveal that to me. Help me to clearly discern when it is the enemy who is speaking. I don't want to think futile and foolish thoughts or give place to thoughts that are not glorifying to You (Romans 1:21). I don't want to walk according to my own thinking (Isaiah 65:2). I want to bring every thought captive and control my mind.
Your Word is "a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart" (Hebrews 4:12). As I read Your Word, may it reveal any wrong thinking in me. May Your Word be so etched in my mind that I will be able to identify a lie of the enemy the minute I hear it. Spirit of Truth, keep me undeceived. I know You have given me authority "over all the power of the enemy" (Luke 10:19). and so I command the enemy to get away from my mind. I refuse to listen to lies.
Thank You, Lord, that I "have the mind of Christ" (1 Corinthians 2:16). I want Your thoughts to be my thoughts. Show me where I have filled my mind with anything that is ungodly. Help me to resist doing that and instead fill my mind with thoughts, words, music, and images that are glorifying to You. Help me to think upon what is true, noble, just, pure, lovely of good report, righteous, and praiseworthy (Philippians 4:8). I lay claim to the "sound mind" that You have given me (2 Timothy 1:7).
Application - Record you Audits in your journal. The list of tasks can be done one a day, one a week or every second day. Ask God to lead you in the timing of this exercise. As you go about your physical audit pray the prayer from Stormie Omartain first and keep your mind "captive" on the Lord as you go about your task. Perhaps play a worship CD as you go about it, or just keep the dialogue open with God and chat to Him as you go about your tasks.
Day 1 - Where are the hotspots in your home? Where do you accumulate clutter and junk?
What are your spiritual hotspots? Where do you accumulate clutter and junk in your spiritual life?
Day 2 - When is enough, enough? What do you hoard, have to much of, can cull out of your life, give to others? To many clothes in those drawers.
What spiritual truths are you hoarding or holding close to your chest. Do you share the love of Christ with others?
Day 3 - Budget, do you have one? When did you last overhaul it? Do you have any idea where your money goes? Are you able to give to others?
Are you being a good steward with the blessings that have come from God? How does God want you to use His gifts.
Day 4 - What's cooking? Is there a plan to your kitchen? Do you do your grocery shop according to your needs, or your wants? Is your pantry in a bad shape? Do you know what you are eating this week?
What food does your soul need? Is there anything in the house to feed your soul. Do you have junk food around the house to inspire you, or God's word?
Day 5 - What does your home say to others? Take a look at your home from a visitors perspective, what does it say about the occupants.
What does your home for the Holy Spirit say to others? Take a look at yourself from another's perspective, would they know you were Christian?