Restoring Our Womanhood

Scrap of Faith is a Christian Crafting Site dedicated to inspiring women in their faith and in their hobbies.

Each month a new theme will be posted, with verses to encourage, with challenges to inspirire you both in your faith and in your craft. We hope that you will jump on board the journey of Restoring your Womanhood and that God will use these challanges to draw us closer to Him and also give us a purpose in our roles.

We would love to hear from those who are following along so please leave a comment, and share a link to your blog :-) Also on the Scrap of Faith forum there is a weekly thread for encouraging each other through the journey.

Tuesday, July 01, 2008

Here's my take on the Sketch challenge and the Listen Challenge.

It has been a mad house here in the Clifford family this past month. From now until October we get pretty busy with our work, especially June and July, as in triple the workload, talk about busy!! Hmmmmmm it's no wonder I struggle to get my tax return in on time.

With all this crazy busy it get's really easy to forget that there is a world outside the immediate "must do's" and a lot of clients with important deadlines, but there is a world and we were commissioned to go out into it and spread the word of Christ. Mark 16:15 He said to them, "Go into all the world and preach the good news to all creation. Great, how do I do that when some days I don't even leave the house? It's true I've become a shut in. Okay I exagerate, I'm not a shut in, but not leaving the house except for the mundane tasks, like grocery shopping and the essentials, starts to feel a bit like it.

With all this work, I'll admit I've been hiding, I knew I had to write and article on Evangelising this month, and yet here I am saying "Lord are you for real?? Of all the months to be inspiring and I've had such a bad month at getting out there." Struggling with what to say and feeling like a complete evangelistic failure, I was reminded that it's not the big show, it's not making sure I had a full on conversation with someone about God, but it was being "Christ like" in all the little things.

It's about being a friend, as simple as saying "I'm praying for you", stopping to say "Hi" to the new person at church, stopping to say "Hi" to a long term member of the congregation. Saying "I love you" to your Mum and Dad before you hang up the phone. It's the little things, It's putting on the cross and without a word saying "Hey I know Christ" and looking that check out chick in the eye and saying "Thank you" like you mean it.


Nat said...

Thanks for that little insight Sal, I too am feeling the pressure of 'crazy busy' but its reassuring to know that we can still be the light that Jesus calls us to be in the world.
And often its the little things that mean the most.

Hope said...

Thanks for visiting my blog. I have enjoyed visiting yours today. Thanks for the reminder that being a witness for Jesus can look different than we think. It is all about shining His light, isn't it?